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info 15-22 july-work in progess
Manifestations of Public Square
Genoa, 19-20-21 July 2001

19 Luglio: Corteo internazionale dei Migranti - Inizio ore 17.00 Concentramento - Piazza Sarzano; Percorso - Via Ravasco, Piazza Carignano, Via Corsica, Corso Aurelio Saffi, Via Brigate Partigiane, Via Barabino, Via Piave, Corso Italia, Pz.le Martin Luther King

20 Luglio: Azioni di disobbedienza civile e piazze tematiche Vedi pagina dedicata
(LUOGO: Intorno alla zona rossa).
Alcune organizzazioni sindacali di base (CUB, Slai e Cobas) hanno indetto uno sciopero generale. La Cub organizza un corteo dei lavoratori (PERCORSO: Pza Montano, V.Cantore, V.milano, Piazza Dinegro).
Per ulteriori informazioni sui percorsi e su come arrivare ai luoghi del concentramento CLICCA QUI
Altre info sul corteo del 20

21 Luglio: Corteo internazionale di massa Partenza ore 14.00
Concentramento - Via Caprera; Percorso - Via Felice Cavallotti, Corso Italia, Corso Marconi, Via Rimassa, Corso Torino, Corso Sardegna. Scioglimento - Piazza Galileo Ferraris

During all these months – exactly five – the Genoa Social Forum Organisations (you know we are more than 200 at the moment!!) had long discussions on the characteristic of the Pubblic Square Manifestations  before and during the July’s summit.
Obviously not necessarily the only initiatives the Pubblic Square will be those under exposed. Those that follows are those that all the GSF has agreed togheter.
The reflection however is still opened and it wil continue in this months.
We would like to subject to your attention in order to verify with you if they can answer to common needs.
So these proposals want to value and to respect the different souls of the movement and their different way to be in Pubblic Square, to allow them to attainment their objectives that had been given. The plan is to be inserted in an only program that hold in account also the particular configuration of the city and the so called “red area”, in the spirit of respect of the territory and its citizens: we think that all the proposals respect all the explained conditions.
However we also have to consider a new important element after Seattle’s protest: a large, widespread social movement, that found general, wide agreement with Genoa Social Forum. Moreover: our reflection on manifestations would like to ulteriorly encrease the popular dimension of the movement. So, during these months we asked ourselves how to keep together popular participation and  radical protest.

July 19th, 2001 – 5 p.m. “Migrants’ international march”
International march proposed by Italian antiracist networks, shared by all the organisations and extended to the interested international networks. We expect about 15/18000 people – more or less! -.The starting point will be Principe square through Corvetto square and Genova Brignole railway station; it will stop in Citadel’s area, nearby Marassi stadium; and finally there will be a party and the Public Forum plenary meeting. The march, that opens all the manifestations, has a great symbolic value because migrants give a great remark to the problem of global citizenship as a fundamental theme of political reflection. The march mustn’t run the risk of disorder, so during the march it’s necessary to suspend any kind of action, such as direct actions or civil disobedience.
In the same day some Trade unions (CUB, Slai and Cobas) organize a National strike, and a pacific workers manifestation will take place in the street of the city.

July 20th, 2001- afternoon “Direct actions, pacific and nonviolent civil disobedience”
In the opening summit day – probably it will be late in the afternoon - Genoa Social Forum proposes direct actions and civil disobedience. Every action ought to be pacific and nonviolent actions.
The siege shapes will be articulated and different one from another: we would want to create a single siege with different features: words, contents and bodies. For this reason we also suggested to realise the so called “main theme squares” to promote themes and contents of our actions.
The idea is, if possible and in the full respect one for each other, to surround the red area where the summit will take place. In this way formal request of spaces, such as squares or other areas, to be used as junctions for actions’ course, have been presented to the local authority.
Progress of coordinate actions on July 20th doesn’t mean that there couldn’t be other actions in some other moments or in other places in the city. Anyway, they must not to be in contrast with the two marches: one the 19th and the other – here below described – the 21st of July.

JULY 21ST, 2001 – 2 p.m. “International March”
This march ought to have a long run – about 8/10 km – (considering that a march of 100.000 people takes up about 5 km); the streets ought not to have bottlenecks or other obstructions. It has to end in Citadel’s area. It’s a traditional march that mustn’t run the risk of disorder, so it will be necessary suspend any kind of action, such as direct actions or civil disobedience.
For this reason we think that it shouldn’t cross the red area, although the suggested way could be very close to that area. The starting point is Corso Europa with stops in via Isonzo, via Felice Cavallotti, corso Italia, corso Torino, corso Sardegna and it will end in Citadel’s Marassi Stadium with the final concert.